Tazewell County Public Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay Wednesday, December 20, 2023.

Tazewell County Public Schools will be closed Tuesday, December 19, 2023. (Not a virtual day). 12 month employees report at 9:30 a.m.

Tazewell County Public Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay Tuesday, December 19, 2023.

Tazewell County Public Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay Monday, December 11, 2023.

Tazewell County Public Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay, Wednesday, December 6, 2023.

View the December Health Services Newsletter HERE:

Don’t forget to download the TCPS app for the most up to date school information including school closures & delays!

Thanksgiving Break will start tomorrow, Wednesday, November 22, 2023. Students will return back to school on Monday, November 27, 2023. We hope you have a wonderful break!

This evening, Monday, November 20, at 6:30 pm, the Virginia Board of Education is hosting a listening session to give parents, educators, and community members the opportunity to learn more about the Board’s creation of new accountability measurements for Virginia’s public schools, as well as provide an opportunity for the public to discuss their expectations for the upcoming accountability measurements. Virginia Board of Education Accountability Listening Session Monday, November 20, 2023, 6:30 pm Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center 1 Partnership Circle Abingdon, VA

This evening, Monday, November 20, at 6:30 pm, the Virginia Board of Education is hosting a listening session to give parents, educators, and community members the opportunity to learn more about the Board’s creation of new accountability measurements for Virginia’s public schools, as well as provide an opportunity for the public to discuss their expectations for the upcoming accountability measurements.
Virginia Board of Education Accountability Listening Session
Monday, November 20, 2023
6:30 pm
Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center
1 Partnership Circle
Abingdon, VA

View our November Health Services newsletter HERE:

Happy Veterans Day! Thanks
to all who have served! 🇺🇸

Tazewell High School Instructional Fees and Class Dues

Read Aloud to a Child Week is an annual week that encourages families to read books together. This week is Read Aloud to a Child Week! Literacy has a significant impact on a child's future success. We encourage you to read aloud to a child this week!

Conexus Vision will complete our state-mandated vision screenings for all kindergarten, 3rd, and 5th graders with permission. 7th and 10th grade screenings will be as scheduled.

View this month's Health Services Newsletter HERE: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFv2aMEtns/FeTxpKSLQTfPBwqNRa6_Hg/view?utm_content=DAFv2aMEtns&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=viewer

As cold and flu season approaches, we wanted to provide some health guidance to help you decide whether your child is healthy enough to attend school. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/3638/TCPS/3421146/Health_Guidance_Handout_2023_AW_080723__2_.pdf

Don't forget that all TCPS schools will go gold this Wednesday! Please wear gold to school!

Register for your flu shot today!

Check out our School Quality Profiles HERE: https://schoolquality.virginia.gov/divisions/tazewell-county-public-schools